Monday, November 5, 2012

Special Visitors

A few days after she was born, Estella got a special visit from her Abu Ta ta and Po po from Puerto Rico.  They had been talking about their sweet grandchild since Jorge and I got married...long before she was even created!  They shared in our excitement as we prepared to welcome Estella, and it was so special to finally see them together. 


Friday, November 2, 2012

Newborn Photo Shoot

At just four days of age, I thought it would be a great idea to have Estella's newborn photos taken.  Kristin from Kristin Leigh Photography came to our house with props in hand, and our sweet girl did great!  She slept the entire you'll see there are no pictures with her eyes open!  Her big brother was the real model, though.  He loved every minute of our photo shoot, and the pictures definately convey the love he has for his little sister.  These are just a few of my favorites.





Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our First Doctor's Appointment

August 31, 2012

Waiting to see the doctor at our first appointment.
We had our first doctors appointment with Dr. Loventhal the Friday after we were discharged.  First order of business...weight.  It's normal for babies to lose some weight following birth, though there is a certain percentage that they shouldn't drop below.  She weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces (from 7 pounds 15 ounces at birth).  Estella didn't go below the weight that would have been concerning, but she came a little too close for Mommy! The doctor suggested we suppliment with formula until my milk came in. 
Judging by her face, she's already sharing her disapproval of being on the scale.
Suppliment I did...I was determined to make sure my baby's belly was happy!  Add that to the fact that her food from Mommy made a strong appearance and we were working on a quality comeback!  Of course, not having a scale to weigh her, I worried all weekend (It was a 3 day weekend due to labor day).  When I placed her on the scale the following Tuesday she weighed 7 lbs, 13oz.  For a little perspective, it's normal for a baby to gain an ounce a day in the beginning weeks.  She gained 10 ounces in 4 days.  When Dr. Loventhal walked in the first thing he said was, "Wow.  That's impressive."  Perhaps I was a bit overzealous.
So needless to say I was able to stop supplimenting, and most importantly I could stop worrying (so much).